High Protein Chocolate Tofu Pudding

This high protein chocolate tofu pudding recipe came from the @epicmintleaves account on Instagram.  It has only 4 ingredients and is very simple to make; it took me about 5-10 minutes to whip it up the first time I tried it.

I really enjoy this  vegan high protein, high calcium pudding so I decided to share it here with nutritional information and explain the nutritional properties according to Classical Chinese/Taoist Medicine.

Chocolate Tofu Pudding

High Protein Chocolate Tofu Pudding Nutrition Facts

The full recipe provides 85-90 g of protein depending on the protein content of the soy milk one uses.

Divided into six servings (146 g each), each serving provides 14-15 g of protein, 1 g of leucine, and 450 mg omega-3 fatty acids.  Macronutrient ratio is 23% protein, 48% carbohydrate and 30% fat. 

A single serving provides 538 mg calcium, 3 mg iron, 98 mg magnesium, 13 mcg selenium, and 1.8 mg zinc.

We have evidence that consuming soy foods reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and breast and prostate cancer, alleviates hot flashes in menopausal women, and may improve kidney function, reduce depressive symptoms, and improve skin health.  Click here to read a 2016 systematic review of the health benefits of consuming soy products like tofu and soy milk. 

High Protein Chocolate Tofu Pudding Recipe

Here’s the high protein chocolate tofu pudding recipe:


14 oz (397g) firm calcium-set tofu

8 Medjool dates, soft, large and pitted

1 cup plain or vanilla soy milk

1/2 cup cocoa powder


Drain the tofu, break into pieces and put in high powered blender (we use Vita-Mix) or food processor.  Add the dates and soy milk.  Blend until smooth.   Add cocoa powder.  Blend thoroughly.  Remove from blender directly into serving dishes or a storage container.  Refrigerate to allow blend to thicken and set up.  

The Tao of Chocolate Tofu Pudding 

Here are the nutritional and medicinal properties of the chocolate tofu pudding according to Taoist medical nutrition.

Tofu has a cool thermal nature and sweet taste.  It clears heat (inflammation), lubricates dryness, promotes body fluids, detoxifies, and strengthens the spleen and stomach (digestive functions).  

Dates have a neutral to warm thermal nature and sweet flavor.  They strengthen the spleen, and supplement the blood and yin.

Cocoa has a neutral thermal nature and sweet and bitter flavor.  It fortifies the qi and yang and drains dampness (diuretic).  

In summary, this recipe has the following actions:

  • Clears heat (i.e. reduces inflammation) and detoxifies.
  • Lubricates dryness and enriches the blood and yin.
  • Fortifies the qi and yang and specifically the spleen and stomach.
  • Drains pathogenic dampness (diuretic).

Thanks to @epicmintleaves on Instagram for this recipe!

For more soy food recipes visit Tracy's website tracymatesz.com.

For more Taoist food therapy information visit Tracy's blog https://vegangreatlife.blogspot.com/p/chinese-food-therapy.html 

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